Group CBT for Psychosis 2025
Online Material Live: February 24, 2025
Live Zoom Webinar March 24th, 2025, 1:00 - 4:30pm EST. Course registration closes March 10th, 2025
Regular price
I am excited to repeat this popular training in 2025: an open-enrollment training in Group applications of CBT for psychosis. CBT for psychosis (CBTp) is an evidence-based treatment, commonly available in Europe, and recommended by best practice guidelines in both the US and the UK.
This workshop provides 6 hours towards your 40 didactic hours required for future CBTp accreditation (
By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:
Summarize the three levels of group understanding, key skills for CBTp group therapists and demonstrate self-awareness of their own learning stage with these skills
List the pros and cons of utilizing a group co-facilitator and demonstrate skills in utilizing guided discovery in a group setting
Describe three different treatment models of group CBT for psychosis and potential settings where each are more or less appropriate
Demonstrate knowledge of cultural issues which can commonly impact groups and/or reduce access to Group CBT for psychosis and how to facilitate overcoming these
Set operationalized patient-centered goals to track progress over time and utilize empirically supported measures to track change within the group setting
Describe twelve potential presentations of the “difficult” group participants and twelve possible solutions for working with such presentations
In order to successfully complete this online training and be eligible for CE credits participants must:
Review the material from all 7 modules
Watch every slide and video to the end
Complete all quizzes and evaluations
Post comments to discussion where requested
Score 75% or higher for evaluation quizzes (maximum 3 attempts)
Complete and submit the Continuing Education evaluation and feedback form at the end of the workshop
A message from your instructor
FREE PREVIEWHow to use this course
Learning objectives
APA CE credit requirements
FREE PREVIEWBefore we begin...
How to download workbook for this course
PDF Workbook for this training
How to download the transcript for this course
PDF Transcript for this training
Refresher of CBT model
The CBT model
ABCs mini formulation
ABCs mini formulation paranoia
ABCs mini formulation voices
Models of psychosis
The disease paradigm
The stress vulnerability model
The CBTp approach
Group setting
Levels of group understanding
Skills for group CBTp therapists
Pros and cons of co-facilitator
Lecomte participating rating
Lecomte participation rating
Being Good Enough
Guided Discovery & Socratic Questioning
Guided Discovery & Socratic Questioning
Guided Discovery Questions and Socratic Questions for Group
Columbo technique
Columbo Tries To Trick A Surgeon _ Columbo
Guided discovery approach discussion
Pre-quiz Survey
Quiz #1: Learning Objectives 1 +2
Cultural issues and diversity in Group CBtp
Cultural issues 1: voices prevalence
Learning quiz cultural issues in voices prevalence
Cultural issues 2: CBTp
Discussion: why?
Myth or Fact?
Group CBTp through a cultural lens
Cultural issues and diversity assignment
Group CBTp manual
Where to buy the Group CBTp manual
FREE PREVIEWGroup CBTp manual slides
Goal setting and review in the Group CBTp protocol
Personal goal form
Goal of the week sheet
What is The Quick LL
The Quick LL
Experiential exercise one intructions
Experiential exercise one (need for live webinar)
Where to buy the CBSST manual
Tips on Role Plays
Cultural considerations in skills training
Discussion: cultural considerations in skills straining
CBSST goals exercise
CBSST goals exercise handout (need for live webinar)
Experiential Exercise Expressing Unpleasant Feelings instructions
Experiential exercise expressing unpleasant feelings (need for live webinar)
Skills - expressing negative feelings
What is real title & what is not? Group
Where to buy Isabel Clarke's book
FREE PREVIEWWhat is real and what is not?
What is Real & What is Not? Group downloadable manual
What is real group manual updated
Measuring What you would like to get out of group (Goal setting - need for live webinar)
Keeping Notes Chart (need for live webinar)
Mental Health Confidence Scale
Satisfaction Questionnaire
Instructions for experiential exercise
Handout session 2 (need for live webinar)
Pre-quiz Survey
Group CBTp protocols Brillium Quiz
Quiz #2: Learning Objectives 3 + 4
Difficult presentations
Difficult presentations slides
Pre-quiz Survey
Quiz #3: Learning Objectives 5+6
How to access the live Webinar
Live Zoom Webinar
Fair Use Disclaimer
Financial disclosure
Evaluation Quizzes Answer Key
Feedback evaluation instructions
Feedback evaluation
More resources for you
“I really enjoyed the mock groups that Lauren facilitated. It helped me better understand how to use the handouts for different modalities.”
“I loved learning about the 'What is Real, What is Not' and CBSST groups. Both formats are incredibly applicable to my current setting, and I’m excited to practice them!”
“The role-playing of sample group sessions from different protocols was extremely valuable. The content was spot-on and practical.”
“Practicing and role-playing the groups in small sessions was very engaging. It enhanced my skills significantly.”
“The insights on managing 'difficult' patients were eye-opening. The language and techniques provided in the ‘What is Real, What is Not’ workbook are incredibly useful for addressing psychosis.”
“The group content was all new to me, and I’m particularly excited to apply the ‘What’s Real and What is Not’ group format. Thank you for the introduction!”
Sally E. Riggs
She moved to NYC in 2011 and has been working in public and private healthcare settings, practicing and teaching and training mental health professionals in CBTp since this time. She has been an invited member of the Annual International CBT for Psychosis Research Meeting since 2009, and is a Founding Member and first President of the North American CBT for psychosis Network. She founded NYC CBTp in 2016, the first ever private practice dedicated to providing evidence based cognitive behavioral therapy for people with psychosis.